Brandy & Melville

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

Lately I've been quite excited about the upcoming seasons of spring and summer. I know I've mentioned this before, but there have been such nice announcements of concerts and festivals here in Portugal that I can't help but think about it. I love music so much and I love all that boho style around the festival scene, it's such a young and fresh style and it really makes me happy.
So bearing this in mind, and making a mental note that I really need this pieces in my wardrobe, I've been on a scavenger hunt in the Brandy & Melville website. Do you know this brand? Their collection it's filled with such beautiful attires that just make me swoon! Here are some lovely itemsthat  I picked up.

Agathe Skeleton tank | $ 17 

Bettina hoodie | $ 29

Jada dress |  $ 32

Arrow bracelet | $ 5

What do you think? =)

6 comentários:

  1. Adorei tanto as roupas *-* usava *-*
    Que cd dele tens? :D
    Vi um concerto dele em Paredes de Coura, mais mexido e foi fantástico, o Patrick quase que se despia ahahah
    A semana passada foi um concerto mais intimista *-* e ele é tão fantástico e maravilhoso <3

  2. Não conhecia a loja mas gostei das peças que apresentaste aqui,vou ver mais!
    Gostei do teu blog e sê bem vinda! Já sou seguidora!

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  4. amazing outfits >.<

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