Penpals & St. Valentine's chocolate

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

One of my hobbies since a teenager was having Penpals. I always loved trading snail mail with friends I was able to make around the world! It was such joy and fun. Even today I maintain some friends from those times, and they are really precious to me. 
This week I received a super package from my girl friend from Japan. I always loved Japan and I really want to visit some day, so having a Japanese friend is something I really treasure. We've become really close all this time.
She is so sweet and unbelievable generous, and this time around she showered me with Studio Ghibli goodies and St. Valentine's chocolate. In Japan it is a habit to offer not only your boyfriend/girlfriend chocolate, but as well, to your friends. It is called "Friend choco", so she sent me a Hello Kitty box. The chocolate was strawberry flavored and oh so good! 
I'm going to answer her right now and send her to some tasty chocolate. <3

How about you? Ever had penpals? <3

5 comentários:

  1. Finalmente alguém que concorda comigo em relação ap Valentine's Day!

    Feliz Dia dos Namorados para ti e para o teu menino, querida Sophie!

    Beijinho ♥

  2. Fiquei com água na boca *-* quero quero!
    Woa, embora eu seja de Portugal, também adoro trocar presentes *-* temos de o fazer um dia :D

    Espero que também tenhas trocados muitos mimos com o teu namorado! hihihi
    Obrigado pelo o teu comentário, deixas-me sempre com uma mega sorriso! <3

  3. Pois era *-* eu ia gostar muito! Mas olha que nem é tarde nem é cedo :D já vais ver ^^
    eu gosto muito de falar e escrever (com erros :p)! Graças à Bruna Rei descobri recentemente o projecto da mariana, cartas cruzadas! ( e já vou começar a participar :D é super fofo!

    Um grande beijinho <3


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